- I have a right to be treated as an equal human being.
- I have a right to be listened to and have my problems taken seriously.
- I have a right to an explanation that I can understand in my native language (using a translator if necessary) on any questions concerning my health care.
- I have a right to know the choices I face in getting treated for any health problem, and to have the possible side effects of any drugs or surgical treatments clearly explained.
- I have a right to choose the types of treatment I prefer from among the options offered to me by my doctor.
- I have a right for normal events in my life, such as pregnancy and menopause, not to be treated as diseases requiring treatment.
- I have a right to choose natural therapies and not be ridiculed for doing so.
- I have a right to request a second opinion on any major surgery or health decision.
- I have a right to refuse any drug or surgical treatment.
- I have a responsibility to become knowledgeable about my body and how it works.
- I have a responsibility to learn as much as possible about my health problems so I can make informed choices.
- I have a responsibility to look after my diet, reduce stress, exercise and relax on a regular basis.
- I have the responsibility to avoid pressuring my doctor into giving me drugs when I don't need them.
- I have a responsibility to prepare my questions for my doctor beforehand and schedule adequate appointment time to discuss them.
- I am ultimately responsible for my own healthcare, using my doctor as a resource rather than an authority.