New Hope For Painful Lumpy Breasts
Painful lumpy breasts are not normal
and cause women a great deal of
discomfort and anxiety. Up to 50 to 80
percent of women have some form of
cystic breast disease, which is not
associated with a greater risk of
breast cancer.
What Is Cystic Breast Disease
- A vague term that covers a whole range
of breast lumpiness and pain from mild
to severe.
- Breast tenderness and enlargement for a
few days before the period is normal.
- Some women with lumpy breasts have
daily pain and discomfort, with an
occasional larger, clearly defined
cyst, which can be drained in the
office under local anesthetic. If the
cyst remains, have a mammogram and
possible breast biopsy.
- About 30 percent of women with lumpy
breasts have severe incapacitating pain
that interferes with sleep and normal
daily activities with frequent
formation of cysts and scar tissue.
What Can Be Done
- Daily: Vitamin-B-6 50 to 100mg; Evening
of primrose oil capsules two to six;
Vitamin-E 400IU; Magnesium 200 to
- Caffeine avoidance (not proven) has
helped some.
- A high fibre low fat diet high may
help. A three month trial off dairy may
be worthwhile.
- Natural progesterone gel or cream
rubbed into the breasts during last two
weeks of cycle. A six percent natural
progesterone cream can be ordered by
your doctor through the Women's International Pharmacy
or any compounding pharmacy. (to find
the one closest to you, call
713-933-8400 or 1-800-927-4227).
- Hot castor oil packs.
- Iodine replacement.
Iodine Replacement
Canadian surgeon Dr. William Ghent
found cystic breasts were caused by
deficiency of one specific type of
iodine in breast tissue. He treated
this iodine deficiency with a special
form of iodine, not yet on the market.
Treatment resulted in 95 percent of
women having their breast tissue return
to normal. (see October 1993 Canadian Journal of Surgery
Until the product comes on the market,
increase consumption of seaweeds like
kelp and dulse and ocean fish like cod,
sea bass, haddock, and perch. Some have
found liquid dulse available in health
food stores helpful. A prescription
iodine known as Lugol's solution (1
drop equals 30mg iodine) 1 to 10 drops
daily should be added for persistent or
severe problems.