Quick Survey: The New View Of Endometriosis
Exploring The Inside Of Your Uterus Audio Scroll Length - 02:58 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products PMS And Premenstrual Strength
The New View Of Endometriosis

Endometriosis (endo) means normal tissue in an abnormal location. It occurs when tissue like that which lines the inside of the uterus, (the endometrium) grows in parts of the body where it doesn't normally grow such as the bottom of the pelvis, uterine ligaments, tubes, ovaries, bowel, and bladder.

For five to ten million women in the U.S, and half a million women in Canada, (teenage years right through to menopause) it is a frustrating, chronic, painful and unpredictable disease, which is challenging to treat.


Diagnosing Endo

Medical Treatment

Surgical Treatment

Alternative Treatments

For info and support call the Endometriosis Association at 1-800-426-2END.

Exploring The Inside Of Your Uterus Audio Scroll Length - 02:58 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products PMS And Premenstrual Strength
Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products
BioMat: Heal And Cleanse Your Body With Long Wave Infrared Rays
Aroma Spa: Advanced Energy Medicine
The Q2 B.E.F.E. Water Energy System: Advanced Technology for An Advancing World.
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The Accuciser: The Most Efficient Exercise Device for Restoring Circulation of Lymph and Blood.
G-Force 4 Rebounder: The World's Best Low-Impact Exercise to strengthen bones, muscles, organs, skin, & tissues.
Physician's Choice Unit For Water Filtration: Water, the essence of life and the basis of good health.
Photon-Genie: The Most Advanced and Effective Vibrational Energy Technology Available.

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Lose weight – diet and exercise plans