Four year post graduate training in naturopathic medicine including clinical nutrition, botanical (plant) medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, hydrotherapy and manipulation.
Naturopathic doctors do a detailed history, physical examination and laboratory testing. In addition, they may use additional assessment techniques which can include: urine and blood tests, food sensitivity testing using a type of electro-acupuncture; hair analysis to detect mineral deficiency and heavy metal poisoning; and stool analysis to detect yeast, parasite and bacterial overgrowth and poor digestion.
Sometimes the most optimal choice may be to combine a drug or surgery treatment with a natural treatment.
Natural treatments work gradually. For chronic illness, allow at least one to four months for every year you have been sick.
A good practitioner will know his or her limits and get a second opinion or refer to a medical doctor if necessary.
Naturopathic physicians have a governing board which set standards and discipline practitioners. To find the ND closest to you call: The Canadian Naturopathic Association at 416-233-1043 or, The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians at 206-323-7610.
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