Like Cures Like: A remedy that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person will cure those very same symptoms when given to a sick person. Works like a natural vaccine and immune booster to induce the body to heal itself.
Arnica Montana: For trauma, shock, injuries, after surgery or childbirth.
Apis Mellifica: For swelling and insect bites.
Metallum Album: Gastroenteritis, food poisoning.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Gas and bloating after eating, "homeopathic corpse reviver".
Calendula Officinalis Tincture: Antiseptic for scrapes, scratches and burns.
Rhus Toxicodendron: For sprains, joint stiffness, poison ivy rash.
Hypericum Perforatum: Nerve injury, injuries of tail bone and spine.
Magnesium Phosphate ("Homeopathic Aspirin") For aches and pains, toothache, cramping period pains.
Oscillococcinum: Most popular flu remedy in France, shortens duration of flu.
Mercurius Solubilis: Almost a specific for ear infection, tonsillitis, any inflamed condition producing yellow or green pus.
Antimonium Tartaricum: Has a marked action on chest complaints, mainly for loud rattling or whooping coughs.
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