The Power of Superfoods, by Sam Graci (Prentice Hall, 1997) is a practical enthusiastic overview of nutrition and timeless rules for healthy living, $29.95.
Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book (Random House, 1997) is an excellent review of the pros and cons of hormones for the undecided including alternatives to hormones, $35.00.
Estrogen The Natural Way, Over 250 Easy And Delicious Recipes For Menopause by Nina Chandler (Villard, 1997) provides new ways to add soy and flax seed to your diet.
Close To The Bone, Life Threatening Illness And The Search For Meaning , by Jean Shinoda Bolen (Scribner, 1996) is a helpful book for both patients, their families and loved ones.
Cancer As A Turning Point A Handbook For People With Cancer, Their Families And Health Professionals , by Lawrence LeShan (Plume, revised 1994).
An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide To Cancer , by W. John Diamond, W. Lee Cowden with Burton Goldberg (Future Medicine 1997). This 1,116 page book is an exhaustive review of natural treatments for cancer with protocols from 37 doctors, extensively referenced, $69.95.
Young Living Essential Oils These oils are of the highest quality. Call 1-800-763-9963 and use the live prompt for easier and faster service. Your first order requires the member number of whomever has educated you about the oils.(#124899) To become a distributor, (the most economic way to purchase the oils), there is a minimum first order of $50. In addition, you are required to purchase a Policies and Procedure Manual for $5. The Essential 7 kit can he ordered from them.
Listen To Your Body, by Carola Barczak a series of five ninety minute videos that discuss 55 nutritional factors in depth (705-746-7839).
The Herbal Prescriber, by Christopher Hobbs (1995) is disc based software that provides quick access to over 2,000 remedies and 30 therapeutic diets for 450 common ailments (1-800-373-7105).
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