Quick Survey: Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1996
Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1995 Audio Scroll Length - 02:24 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1997
Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1996

New Books

Encyclopedia Of Nutritional Supplements , by Michael Murray is a comprehensive review of uses of vitamins and minerals (Prima, revised 1998).

Childhood Illnesses And Allergy Connection , by Dr. Zoltan Rona (Prima, 1996) is a nutritional approach to overcoming and preventing childhood illness.

Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, by Jeanne Marie Martin and Dr. Zoltan Rona is everything you need to know for recovery plus sumptuous recipes (Prima, 1996).

Optimal Wellness, by Ralph Golan, is a thorough reference book on alternatives for major health problems (Ballantine, 1995).

Natural Alternatives To Prozac, by Michael Murray is a well researched guide for mild to moderate depression (Morrow, 1996).

What You Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee. The definitive book on natural progesterone (Warner, 1996).

Breast Cancer Breast Health, by Susun Weed America's well known herbalist and wise woman has written a well researched and thoughtful book on diagnosis, prevention and treatment. (Ash Tree, 1996).


Greer Childer's Body Flex's Video, is a dynamic exercise program for weight loss and improved lung capacity (1-800-263-2911).

Sounds True Catalogue, is a comprehensive catalogue of learning and healing audiotapes (1-800-333-9185).

Honouring Women's Wisdom, by Christiane Northrup is a six tape set covering all aspects of women's health. (1-800-525-9000).


Flax Seed Eye Pillows are soothing for the eyes.

Aromatic Bath Oils for relaxing or energizing.

Mini-Trampoline is a great indoor aerobic workout that promotes lymphatic drainage.

Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1995 Audio Scroll Length - 02:24 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products Dr. DeMarco's Christmas Gift List 1997
Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products
BioMat: Heal And Cleanse Your Body With Long Wave Infrared Rays
Aroma Spa: Advanced Energy Medicine
The Q2 B.E.F.E. Water Energy System: Advanced Technology for An Advancing World.
Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products
The Accuciser: The Most Efficient Exercise Device for Restoring Circulation of Lymph and Blood.
G-Force 4 Rebounder: The World's Best Low-Impact Exercise to strengthen bones, muscles, organs, skin, & tissues.
Physician's Choice Unit For Water Filtration: Water, the essence of life and the basis of good health.
Photon-Genie: The Most Advanced and Effective Vibrational Energy Technology Available.

Lose weight – diet and exercise plans
Lose weight – diet and exercise plans