Quick Survey: Coping With Lupus Naturally
Kava Kava For Anxiety Audio Scroll Length - 02:28 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Coping With Lupus Naturally

Lupus erythematosus is an auto-immune disease, in which the body's immune system attacks the connective tissue of the body as if it were foreign, causing inflammation. Connective tissue surrounds all body structures and holds them together.

Lupus affects nine times as many women as men. The incidence is higher in certain ethnic groups, particularly blacks and Chinese. Over one million Americans and 50,000 Canadians have lupus.

The most common type, discoid lupus erythematosus, affects only exposed areas of skin. The more serious form is systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE which can affect the skin, eyes, blood, nervous system, heart, joints and kidneys.

Triggers Of SLE

Natural Treatments


Kava Kava For Anxiety Audio Scroll Length - 02:28 Doctor DeMarco Recommended Products Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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